ISO 31000

ISO 31000 – Training & Certification

Give your career, your team and your organization a boost!

GRC, ESG, ERM, ORM, ... There is only one approach that covers all.

How does it work?

Certification & Training Options


Our "Foundations" certification training is intended for managers who take risk, "the effect of uncertainty on objectives", seriously.

This course prepares you for the GNIC® CRMF®

certificate, which stands for:

"Professional Certified in Risk Management in accordance with ISO 31000 - Foundations Level"

You don't need any prior knowledge to follow this course. Our "Foundations" training can take place Residential, Online or In-house.


Our "Advanced" certification training is designed for managers who want to implement ISO 31000 in their organization and consultants who want to work on it.

This course prepares you for the GNIC®CRMIP® certificate, which stands for:

"Certified Risk Management Implementation Professional for ISO 31000 - Advanced Level"

For this course it is useful if you have knowledge of the ISO 31000 standard and organizational structures.

Our "Advanced" training will mainly take place in Residential settings because a high degree of interaction makes this training less suitable for online training.

On request, however, an online course can always be considered for a limited group.


Implementing ISO 31000 requires dedication and resources in terms of personnel, time and money.

To make this a success, we also offer our expertise to support this process, tailored to your organization.

Since this is a custom work, it is best to exchange ideas with each other first.

ISO 31000 Foundations & Advanced Training - Presentations & Talks

CRMF & CRMIP Certification

CRMF - 1

31/1, 1 & 2/2 / 2024



CRMF - 2

25 - 27/9 / 2024



CRMF - 3

16 - 18/10 / 2024




24 - 28 / 6 / 2024




4 - 8 / 11 / 2024



Presentations & talks 

Studiedag ie-net

26 April 2024



Risk-!n 2024

30 & 31 May 2024

Zürich (CH)


IRM Group Discussion

4 April 2024



PPT Presentation


With us, you have a trainer, coach and advisor, who is an expert in ISO 31000 and who works for NBN (Belgian National Bureau for Standardization) in the development of this standard and who guides and supports you every step of the way with every certification and implementation – by phone, by e-mail or in person via Teams or on site.

Residential Training:

When planning our residential ISO 31000 certification training courses, we always make sure that they are easy to reach by public transport and ensure a high level of comfort. Course material, including stationery and paper, catering is provided for the whole day until 5 p.m. and of course there is also guidance for the certification.

Open training in 2024

CRMF Antwerpen - 31 Januari u.i 2 Februari - in Dutch - Download Brochure

CRMF Brussels - 15 u.i. 17 May - in English - Download Brochure

CRMF Antwerp - 16 u.i. 18 October - in English - Download Brochure

CRMIP - Antwerp - 24 u.i. 28 June - in English - Download Brochure

CRMIP - Antwerp - 4 u.i. 8 November - in English - Download Brochure

Online Training:

Our courses are live and interactive. They are also individual or collective.

Uniquely, our courses continue even if there is only 1 participant

And that we hold an online course for everyone who wishes to do so.

We will agree on the time that suits you best.

If additional participants join the same course, there is a discount for each participant.


We are a one-stop-shop for ISO 31000 Risk Management training and certification. Whether you're looking to start basic training, pursue an advanced course, or need help implementing ISO 31000 at your business, we have the tools and expertise you need.

Other BYAZ services:


Peter Blokland, PhD - ISO 31000 Expert

Peter Blokland, PhD

General Manager BYAZ bv

Chairman GNIC vzw

Member NBN I262

We're here to help you make smarter decisions when it comes to managing your objectives.

This applies to every decision from strategic goals to decisions on the shop floor.


To request a meeting, arrange for an online program or to request additional information.

Send us a message with your question or comment. We will start working on it immediately and contact you.
